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Salary Sacrifice Pension
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Salary Sacrifice Pension
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Salary Sacrifice Pension
About Mintago
About Mintago
Mintago for Employers
Mintago for Partners
Financial Wellbeing
Salary Sacrifice Pension
Impact on employees
Contribution Boost
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Data Security
Salary Sacrifice Pension
What you as an employer need to know about salary sacrifice
Why should employers opt for salary sacrifice pension?
Why don’t more companies use salary sacrifice?
What happens if somebody leaves my company?
What is salary sacrifice?
How does salary sacrifice work?
Is salary sacrifice legal and are there any risks to the business when switching?
What are the key things to consider when setting up salary exchange?
When should I not opt for salary sacrifice?
What are my options when implementing salary sacrifice?
What if my employees do not want to join the scheme?
What is the contractual agreement?
My company is already on salary sacrifice, what is the benefit of Mintago?
Can all employees switch to salary sacrifice?
As an employer, can I switch to salary sacrifice without assistance?
See more
Impact on employees
What is a Notional Salary/Reference Salary?
How do employees benefit from the restructure?
How does salary sacrifice pension affect mortgage applications?
Contribution Boost
How to unlock further savings